

NPY Womens Council Disability Project - 'To live a good life'

25 October 2018

SAL Consulting has been involved in the Northern Territory’s Behaviour Support Community of Practice project. One of our partners in this project – the NPY Women’s Council have just published a fantastic report around their project ‘To live a good life’. The project asked the question, ‘What makes a good life for Aboriginal people with a disability from the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Lands?’. The results demonstrated the critical importance of having a culturally ‘led’ approach to services for Aboriginal people with disabilities, and not just the provision of services that organisations think they need. The project goes on to describe a three-part conceptual framework: Heart (emotions), Head (knowledge), and Hands (actions). This framework is focused on supports for people on the huge expanse of country that is the NPY Lands – however we wonder whether this framework could be utilised to help inform thinking in other areas across Australia?….enjoy reading this great publication!

 Walykumunu Nyinaratjaku October 2018

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