Mealtime Management
Our speech pathology team are experienced working with people who have complex mealtime needs. We work with the individual and their support network to complete a comprehensive assessment and develop a mealtime management plan. In developing an individual’s mealtime management plan, we consider all aspects of mealtimes including:
- Food/fluid consistencies
- Equipment needs
- Positioning needs
- Communication needs
- Environmental needs
- How the individual takes their medication in the safest way
- How the individual needs to be supported to actively engage in all aspects of the mealtime including meal planning, meal preparation, tidying up.
- Considerations when eating out e.g. at restaurants, picnics, BBQs etc.
Our speech pathology team work closely with dietitians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, behaviour support practitioners and other professionals in order to provide a holistic and integrated service. We are experienced working with people who have complex health presentations, complex behaviour support needs, complex sensory needs and complex physical support needs.